Ride Routes

Here you will find detailed information on all group ride routes. Group rides accomodate a maximum of 6 horse and rider combinations and places start at £38.50. Discounted Ride Bundles are also available to buy. Many routes are available for private or 1:1 bookings but to view the definitive list and prices for this click HERE.

Ride set out times vary by season. During the Autumn/Winter a later 11am set out is usual to allow for morning frosts to clear and to ensure we ride in the best of the daylight. Spring/Summer rides tend to be scheduled for either 9.30am or 6pm in order to avoid the worst of any heat or flies and to facilitate parking before car parks become crowded. April and September are transitional months and there are odd exceptions so please do check the start time before you book.

Classic Routes

These routes run from April-October and offer a good mix of lovely views, points of interest and enjoyable canters

14 Routes available, scroll left or right

Year Round Routes

These routes are carefully selected for good winter time riding, avoiding deep or muddy going whilst still offering canter opportunities and enjoyable views.

14 Routes available, scroll left or right

Something a bit more laid back

These routes, available year round, are geared towards those who wish to take it a bit easier and enjoy the scenery. Here you will find some shorter routes, walk and trot only routes with predictable going and totally off road routes which may offer a bit of canter.

7 Routes available, scroll left or right

Novice and Training Routes

Novice routes are specifically designed to provide just the right level of challenge for a young horse and are equally suitable for less experienced or nervous riders with options available for both children and adults. If you’d like a learning experience training for opening gates on your horse is the perfect choice.

5 Routes available, scroll left or right

Book Onto a Group Ride

Click below to see the routes currently scheduled as group rides and book.